SONY DSCOver the past two years, we have been saying the stagnant operations, lines, congestion, long turn times and the lack of marine terminal fluidity are the new normal.  We are not sure how we feel about Doug Drummond’s, President of Long Beach Harbor Commission, confirmation of our assertions.  Should we say “I told you so!” or “Our worst fears have become reality?”

Honestly, it does not really matter.  What matters is, the industry has recognized there are systemic problems that need to be addressed.  Big ships, chassis divestment and a host of other game-changers are here. It is also essential to view the expiry dates of the pills; let the pills get dispose once become outdated. viagra cheap generic The sufferers of ED tend to conceal this issue with any one as they can’t accept the fact that they are generic levitra facing impotence in their life. Take proper steps in time to avoid unwanted health complications. order cheap cialis The substances found in cigarette and alcohol has a great negative impact on cheap cialis india the vessels that carry blood in different parts of the body. We cannot continue to operate with yesterday’s model. We need to continually push for change and improvements to the entire supply change.  We need to do better for drivers.  We cannot continue to expect them to shoulder the burden of these inefficiencies.

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