The above video is a snippet of Chris Spears, President American Trucking Associations (ATA), testimony on Capitol Hill regarding the impracticality of California's sweeping proposal to require zero emission trucks...

The above video is a snippet of Chris Spears, President American Trucking Associations (ATA), testimony on Capitol Hill regarding the impracticality of California's sweeping proposal to require zero emission trucks...
The Port of Oakland is planning for a future of bigger ships, superior distribution and cleaner air. As the video clip above says, taller cranes are needed to accommodate the newer class of container ships. Not only...
The Port of Oakland is laying the groundwork on a plan to be emissions-free. The port has outlined three clean air strategies: Continuing with a 2009 plan that calls for an 85 percent reduction in diesel emissions by...
California Governor Jerry Brown issued an executive order mandating the state reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and fuel usage by 50% by 2030. He has tasked the California Air Resources Board (CARB), California...
The Port of Oakland, along with representatives from the US Maritime Administration (MARAD), Pacific Merchant Shipping Association (PMSA), Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)/Federal Highway Administration as...