The American Trucking Associations' (ATA) oral arguments to the US Supreme Court were successful in swaying the high court to block the Biden Administration's mandate-or-test order. The Supreme Court's decision paved...

The American Trucking Associations' (ATA) oral arguments to the US Supreme Court were successful in swaying the high court to block the Biden Administration's mandate-or-test order. The Supreme Court's decision paved...
The US Supreme will hold a special session on January 7th to hear arguments in the challenges to the Biden administration's "vaccine happens is because of PDE5. or test" mandate for employers with 100 or more...
The Electronic Logging Device (ELD) mandate has increased transit times, reduced capacity, and highlighted the need to become a "Shipper of Choice." How do you do that? It basically boils down to five resolutions: Be...
ELECTRONIC LOGGING DEVICES (ELD'S) While the ELD mandate went into effect on December 18, 2017, the enforcement date was April 1, 2018. Most operators were compliant with the regulation prior to December, however,...
YES, VIRGINIA, INTERMODAL TRUCKING WILL BE NEGATIVELY IMPACTED BY ELD'S We have been asked by many of our customers if the electronic logging device (ELD) mandate going into effect on December 18th will affect the...
Ten years ago, the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach announced their joint Clean Air Action Plan (CAAP), which called for an aggressive retirement schedule for older trucks, and, in the case of the Port of Los...