2,100,000 electric vehicle charging stations are needed to support California’s aggressive zero emission goals.
We do not frequently discuss California’s emission standards for cars, trucks and SUV’s. So, let’s do it….
In 2022, California Air Resources Board (CARB) passed the Advanced Clean Car II regulations. This rule established more stringent tailpipe emission standards as well as a timeline for the transition to zero emission vehicles (ZEV).
Beginning in 2026, 35% of the new cars, trucks and SUVs sold in California must be ZEV. This percentage increases 6-8% each year until it reaches 100% of vehicle sales in 2035.
To support the expected 7M electric cars on California’s roadways, we are going to need to up our charging game. This is where the charging demands come in.
By 2030, California will need 1M car chargers, which equates to an additional 129,000 chargers built and installed per year between now and then. By 2035, we will need 2.1M chargers, which equates to 221,000 per year between 2030 and 2035. As a frame of reference, last year, 17,000 car chargers were installed.
What is the cost of installing a charger in California? $122,000 – $440,000. Wow!