We are Active in the Community
In cash donations or in-kind services, Devine has been a generous supporter to these outstanding organizations:
- AIDS/LifeCycle
- American Cancer Society
- American Red Cross
- Avon Walk for Breast Cancer
- Big Brothers & Big Sisters
- Boys & Girls Clubs
- Boys Scouts of America
- California Department of Forestry
- Children’s Receiving Home
- Crocker Art Gallery
- Del Paso Foundation
- Foster A Dream
- Junior Vikings Cheerleading
- Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundations
- KVIE Channel 6
- Make a Wish of Northern Nevada
- Mercy Foundation
- Mustard Seed School
- National Cargo Security Education & Research Foundation
- Optimist All-Star Football
- Oroville Rhino Youth
- PAWS (Progressive Animal Welfare Society)
- Pro Am “Fore” Kids
- Progressive Breeders Angus
- River City Community Services
- River Oak Center for Children
- Sacramento Food Bank
- Sacramento Unified School District
- Shriners Hospital
- Special Olympics
- University of Nevada, Reno
- Veterans of Foreign Wars
- Woodside Elementary School
- YMCA San Joaquin Valley
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