Before you folks from around the country start trucking your Hanjin empties to Oakland, this home applies to Oakland discharged containers only.hanjin-container

Now that we have that out of the way, kudos to both SSA and the Port of Oakland for being the first to develop and implement a plan for these unwanted empty containers.  The two parties worked together to establish a return location in Oakland at the Roundhouse off-dock empty depot.  Without a return location for Hanjin empties, these containers would sit idly on chassis awaiting a final disposition, which could be years away.  A chassis shortage was a very real and imminent possibility, and without the chassis to move containers on and off the terminal, a bottleneck and congestion would have ensued.
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A big thank you for the leadership and forward thinking exhibited by the port and SSA in ensuring cargo moves efficiently and releasing the burden from motor carriers and cargo owners alike.

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