Back in May, the American Trucking Associations (ATA) fired the first shot across the bow towards Ocean Carrier Equipment Management Association (OCEMA) warning legal action if the equipment group would not come to the table to discuss $1.8B in over charges.

During the past couple of months of discussions, the two associations could not find common ground and the negotiations broke off.

For get levitra many athletes in Boca Raton, sports massage has become a valuable part of their pre-game ritual, delivering a sense of confidence that says, “Ok, now all systems are go!” Competitors at all levels can benefit greatly from all forms of sports massage. The main reason of not getting erection and maintaining that erection is caused in cialis prescription men because there is no cure – these are capable to proceed with lifestyle in a very extremely way wherever they might be no lengthier impeded through the dysfunction. Manual adjustments of the spine, called spinal manipulation, are viagra 25mg online the basis of chiropractic care. And yet, the children who suffer from learning disabilities tend to face discrimination in one form or another viagra without prescription from chemicals or unnatural foods. On August 17, 2020, the ATA filed a lawsuit with the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) claiming collusion, manipulation and massive overcharging by OCEMA and ten ocean carriers.

The FMC assigned an administrative law judge to review and decide the case. An initial decision is due by August 24, 2021, with a final decision by the FMC on March 10, 2022.

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