We saw this headline recently and thought it apropos for the current state of ocean transportation.

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Batten down the hatches. By some accounts, these factors will be in play until March 2021.

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The above three minute video highlights the importance of trucking and truck drivers to the American economy and way of life. The trucking industry moves everything you eat, wear, and use on a daily basis. Please take a moment to watch these heroes in action.


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Most trucking companies around the country started with one truck, one driver, and an entrepreneurial spirit. The desire for freedom, independence, flexibility and earning power remain the motivating factors for the 350,000 independent drivers nationwide. Take a look...

OSRA 2.0

In June 2022, the US Congress passed the Ocean Shipping Reform Act (OSRA-22). This legislation prohibited ocean carriers from "unreasonably" refusing export cargo as well as "unreasonably" assessing demurrage and detention charges. It also gave the Federal Maritime...

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