No ZoneAutomobiles account for 81% of the accidents between a truck and a car. We want you to be safe out there, so as we head into the summer driving season, we thought it would be beneficial to review the 5 things a motorist can do to avoid an accident with a truck.

  1. Never ever cut in front of a truck. Your 3,000lb sedan can stop much more quickly than a 80,000lbs truck and trailer.
  2. Do not tailgate a big rig. You will not be able to see the road ahead and will not have the proper reaction time to adjust to changing road conditions.
  3. Avoid the “No Zone.” Watch the video here. Trucks have blind spots, and it behooves motorist not to dwell in those spots.
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  5. Leave the rush hour buffer empty. It may seem the driver is leaving you space to change lanes, but in actuality, he is leaving plenty of space between him and the car in front of him to be able to react to traffic.
  6. Just drive. Your vehicle is not a restaurant, office or powder room. Please do not drive distracted.

We want everyone to arrive at their final destination safe and sound.

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