Detention and Demurrage (D&D) has long been a point of contention between the ocean carriers and everyone else in the supply chain. Last year, the US Congress passed the Ocean Shipping Reform Act (OSRA) and the...
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President Biden signed the Ocean Shipping Reform Act (OSRA) 2022 into law on Thursday, June 16th. It is the first major overhaul of the act in two decades and had tremendous support in both the US Senate, who approved...
D & D
Two words people despise so much, and rightfully so, that we just put their initials in the subject line as if saying their names will somehow make it worse...detention and demurrage. As you may remember, the Federal...
Exporters, importers and motor carriers have long been objecting to the assessment of detention and demurrage charges. The Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) heard our pleas and launched an investigation into the...