Ben E Nutter (aka 7th Street, Marine Terminals, MTC, Seaside, STS, BENT, Evergreen) will close temporarily while it transitions from one stevedoring company, Seaside Transportation Services (STS), to another, Everport Terminal Service (ETS).

The closure will begin on Saturday, December 5th and is expected to last 2-4 weeks.  During this time, Evergreen’s vessels will call SSA.

The purpose of the closure is to upgrade computer systems and equipment.  One such upgrade will be Optical Character Recognition (OCR) cameras and portals.  This technology reads the container and chassis numbers and transmits the data to the gate clerks, thereby, increasing gate fluidity.
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While there is never a good time for a terminal closure, we are concerned about the short holiday weeks ahead, the likelihood of regular longshore labor taking extended time off, the possible lack of enough skilled labor to work the yard, and the additional volumes and pressure on SSA.

The best plan of action is to hope for the best but prepare for the worst.SONY DSC

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