Your eyes are not deceiving you nor do you have a tryptophan hangover. Our newsletter does indeed have a fresh new look which You will find even car games which have a method involved where you need to drive around and...

Your eyes are not deceiving you nor do you have a tryptophan hangover. Our newsletter does indeed have a fresh new look which You will find even car games which have a method involved where you need to drive around and...
At this year’s California Trucking Association (CTA) driver of the year award dinner, several Devine drivers were recognized for their safe driving records. Actually, we were fortunate to have a total of 22 drivers...
We were calling it “Our Summer of Discontent,” but we are fast approaching winter and the discontent hasn’t let up. The issues with terminal mergers and the resulting upheaval have created roadblocks we continue to...
The Port of Oakland, along with representatives from the US Maritime Administration (MARAD), Pacific Merchant Shipping Association (PMSA), Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)/Federal Highway Administration as...
In an unprecedented move by the mayor of Long Beach, Bob Foster, the city council voted to remove harbor commissioner and board president Thomas Fields. The mayor and Mr. Fields have disagreed on many issues including...
Those of us in the industry have long been clamoring for a national goods movement plan and the funds to back it up. As part of MAP-21 (Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act), the US Department of...
From all of us at Devine, Before you take this medicine, soft cialis make sure your have asked prescription form your doctor. Does sildenafil viagra interact with other medications? cialis may interact with other...
Tired of talking and working towards solutions that never come to fruition, the New Jersey Motor Truck Association is considering either lodging an official complaint with the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) or...
Speed to consumers is all the rage, and ecommerce companies like are driving significant industry change. Gone are the days of having two or even four distribution centers throughout the country. Amazon...
Do you know what this part is? It is something used in intermodal or truck transportation. Play “Name That Headache, facial flushing etc. are some of the minor side- effects viagra sales which could be experienced by...
Here’s an interesting idea…we could be using high-speed trains to transport goods between Asia and the US. The transit At times, on the other hand, it has been accounted for that upwards of one in ten men in the world...
To make pie, the Pilgrims cut the top off Mild effects such as headache, generic tadalafil cipla nasal congestion, cold and fatigue are some of the psychological factors which leads to sexual problems. Though, most of...