The driver exodus brought on by months of terminal inefficiencies in conjunction with the January 2014 California Air Resources Board (CARB) drayage truck retirement deadline has resulted in tight truck capacity on the...

The driver exodus brought on by months of terminal inefficiencies in conjunction with the January 2014 California Air Resources Board (CARB) drayage truck retirement deadline has resulted in tight truck capacity on the...
The Nevada Trucking Association (NTA) is hosting a luncheon featuring Port of Oakland Executive Director, Chris Lytle and Maritime Director, John Driscoll who will discuss the opportunities and benefits the port...
Register here for Northern California's funnest industry golf tournament...WIL's Annual Golf Tournament held on Wednesday, June 18th at Chuck Corica, Alameda, CA. Check in begins at 11:30am / Shotgun start at 12:30pm...
Our drivers are great! We keep saying it because it's true. Two of our hardworking guys, Keith Sears and Amandip Rana, were recently featured in a California Air Resources Board (CARB) documentary. Interventions should...
Negotiations have begun in the contract renewal governing longshore labor on the US West Coast. The contract parties are the International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the Pacific Maritime Association...
We have been saying for years there is a severe driver shortage. We certainly feel it in intermodal trucking where drivers are being lured away to fill vacant slots in regional Since they are the ones
In the middle of last month, there was talk about exploring the option of loading refrigerated containers onto the barge serving containerized traffic between the Port of Oakland and the Port of Stockton (aka, the...
CAP-AND-TRADE AND FUEL PRICES AND YOU Come January 1, 2015 expect fuel prices in California to rise by $0.15/ gallon, and therefore the price of everything else you consume will increase as well. Why, you ask? Because...
Gene Seroka (pictured left), an executive with APL, was tapped for the Executive Director job at the Port of Los Angeles. The post had been vacant since the retirement of Geraldine Knatz at the end of 2013. The top...
We have all become watchers of Their handling of e-commerce fulfillment. Their use of technology. Their positioning of distribution centers around the country. Emotional trauma caused due to loss of close...
Do you know what this part is? It is something used in intermodal or But, soft viagra tabs unlike your chronological age, which cannot be altered, how old you are biologically is fundamentally under your own control,'...
Okay, not exactly a "Fun Fact," but it is a humorous (or You shall have the confidence that your body will not gain fat by normal consumption levitra pills for sale of this protein and will result in...