Forget what your calendar says. It is not Wednesday. Today is actually Bloody Thursday. It is the one day of the year the longshoremen will not work - in any capacity - on the waterfront. Bloody Thursday is always...

Forget what your calendar says. It is not Wednesday. Today is actually Bloody Thursday. It is the one day of the year the longshoremen will not work - in any capacity - on the waterfront. Bloody Thursday is always...
Maersk is proceeding with the merger of Hamburg-Sud, who had already taken over CCNI in 2015. Hapag-Lloyd expects to have United Arab Shipping Company fully integrated into their operations by the fourth quarter of...
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Amazon's vision of a drone delivery center where trucks deliver cargo and an army of drones deliver shipments to the consumer. It takes around 45 minutes, sometimes 30 minutes for the medicine to have effect in your...
Maersk Line is limping back after being hit with the ransomware virus Petya on June 27, 2017. The cyberattack crippled operations and communications worldwide. The line is slowly bringing It is for this reason that...
DRAYAGE DRIVER PROTESTS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Much has been written on this subject, and we are not going to go into detail covering the stance of each side. Suffice it to say the trucking industry has room for all...