The logistics community on the West Coast suffered greatly during the protracted labor negotiations. The scars are still visible. The bruises remain tender. The emotions...anger, disappointment, concern...endure....

The logistics community on the West Coast suffered greatly during the protracted labor negotiations. The scars are still visible. The bruises remain tender. The emotions...anger, disappointment, concern...endure....
The vast majority of cargo owners will be closed on Friday, July 3rd in observance of Independence Day and open on Monday, July 6th. However, for the most part, the marine terminals have the opposite schedule. Below...
The Devine team was honored by our agricultural shippers at last week's Agriculture Transportation Coalition (AgTC) Annual Meeting in San Francisco. Our customers recognized the team for exemplary service during the...
We cannot say enough good things about our drivers, but we are not the only ones. Four Devine drivers were recognized by the California Trucking Association as "Driver of the Month" for their safe driving records.
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With the 4th of July holiday weekend upon us and many folks hitting the roads over the long weekend, it is a good time to remind everyone to give big rigs a wide berth.It is also called ageing problem due to growing of...
Richard Coyle, President Devine Intermodal and 2015 President California Trucking Association, recently hit the open road on a Harley. It was a fundraising Erectile dysfunction is being commonly faced 20mg levitra...
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Wait times outside terminal gates has long been a complaint by the motor carrier community. Wait times have traditionally been calculated from the marine terminal ingate to their outgate with no account for the time...
The American Trucking Associations (ATA) and the Institute of International Container Lessors (IICL) have sent letters to the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) seeking their intervention to end mandatory chassis...
Hat's off to the crew of Hamburg-Sud's Cap Capricorn for rescuing three sailors who escaped their burning yacht in the waters near Tonga. The three men, two from New Online medicines store not only found to be helpful...
150 Million hot dogs are eaten over the 4th of July alone, and 7 Billion hot dogs will The external stress of the office atmosphere round them affects the internal mind. viagra cheapest pharmacy Men having liver...