Reno Warehouse Truck + Van 003 ATen Tips on Setting up a Warehouse

Gavin Clark, CCO of Snapfulfill, a warehouse management system provider, outlined his priorities for setting up a new warehouse, and they are:

  1. The floor plan should have areas for shipping, receiving, storage as well as a comfortable staff break room.
  2. Assess the type of racking, shelving and storage you need for the products you service.
  3. Create a separate storage area for regularly used items…cartons, boxes, packing filler and packing tape.
  4. Ensure the area around the loading dock is free of shelving/racking to allow unimpeded operations by forklifts and staff.
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  6. Define separate areas for shipping and receiving.
  7. Allocate office space that is separate and self-contained.
  8. Correctly place warning and safety signs and notices.
  9. Assure skips are close to the warehouse so trash doesn’t accumulate in workspaces.
  10. Place mats in areas where employees stand in one place for long periods of time.
  11. If you employ more than 5 warehouse employees, consider a warehouse management software system to streamline and speed up operations.

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