Fuel Island 009California’s roads are dilapidated.  There is no arguing that point. But, they did not get that way because the citizens are not taxed enough. Quite the contrary.  Californians pay some of the highest fuel taxes in the country.  Lawmakers, however, routinely rob funds (collected through taxes and fees) that are earmarked for roads in favor of sending the money to the general fund. Who knows what happens to it then, but we can guarantee it is not spent on roads and infrastructure.

Well, California’s elected officials are at it again. Governor Jerry Brown announced a plan to generate $5B per year by increasing the fuel tax by $0.12 per gallon, initiating a $100 annual fee on electric vehicles, increase vehicle registration fees and creating “new taxes.”
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The plan supposedly has oversight to ensure the money is spent on transportation and not diverted to other priorities.  Excuse the skepticism, but we have heard that before.

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