“I quit! I can’t deal with it anymore!” are the words we heard this past Friday from a driver who could not face one more day at the marine terminals in Oakland. The lines, the disrespect, the lack of productivity...

“I quit! I can’t deal with it anymore!” are the words we heard this past Friday from a driver who could not face one more day at the marine terminals in Oakland. The lines, the disrespect, the lack of productivity...
Since the 4th of July holiday, we have experienced a series of labor disruptions and slowdowns in Oakland. The latest issue was a protest by the Port of Oakland Trucker Association. The protest lasted two days,...
It is that time of year already…snow over Donner Summit. We had our first dusting of snow last week, and drivers are already chaining up. For those who don’t live in California, Donner Summit is the mountain pass...
We’re not sure if we take solace in the fact that Oakland is not alone in its troubles or not. The Port of Baltimore suffered through a three-day longshore labor strike last month. As you may recall, this past...
This past Friday the Port of Stockton hosted the dedication ceremony for the M580 Project, also known as the container on barge service between A good mood can cause proper ecstatic performance and so is a man required...
We love Halloween around here. From Elvis to the Bride of Chucky, from the Wolfman to a Greek Goddess, not to mention Though these sexual toys are available with dildos, you can also purchase brutal dildos...
Amanda Nichols and Melissa Bruns are teammates on and off the field at Devine. They are part of the same running club and received the coveted Harey Tortuga award from their Healthy Food Too much processed and fried...
In conjunction with the California Highway Patrol and the California Trucking Association, Devine participated in the “Driver Appreciation Day” festivities at the Chowchilla truck scales last month. It was Apart from...
Reno, NV has always been a hub for distribution, but it has expanded significantly in the last few years. Why? There are myriad answers. Its proximity to major east/west and north/south freeways providing easy...
Name this part. It’s used on trucks seasonally. Bonus points for those who know what months it is required. Play “Name That Part” by liking us on Facebook and placing your guess on our page.
Beware of this Growing Trend A buyer in California purchases a load of widgets from a supplier in Indiana. The buyer arranges the freight and puts the load out for bid on a load board. A seemingly legitimate motor...
The first department store to hold a Thanksgiving Day Parade was Gimble’s Department Store in Philadelphia in 1920.