Devine Intermodal!!! Yay! Ah! Woo-Hoo! The crowd goes wild. That is not an exaggeration. We were pretty darn excited about our award. At the recent California Trucking Association (CTA) Fleet Safety Awards banquet,...

Devine Intermodal!!! Yay! Ah! Woo-Hoo! The crowd goes wild. That is not an exaggeration. We were pretty darn excited about our award. At the recent California Trucking Association (CTA) Fleet Safety Awards banquet,...
May 1st is International Workers Day (aka May Day), and the marine terminals in Oakland will be closed. The International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) take this day to recognize social injustice. However,...
Reno-based driver, Ty Chambers is pictured above completing the Samrockin' half marathon in Sacramento in March, but he kept going. He completed a full marathon last weekend. He ran the Magnolia Silo District Marathon...
It might be May, but we are not done talking about the weather. It was a long and brutal winter in Northern California and Northern Nevada. As proof of this fact, eight of the top ten deepest snowpacks in North...
As part of the Nevada Trucking Association's call on the state capitol in Carson City, Matt DeJong, Assistant Fleet Manager, met with Senator James Settelmeyer and Assemblymembers Alexander Assefa and Wendy Carrillo to...
When the Masonic Lodge was originally built in Reno in 1872, a time capsule was embedded in one of the cornerstones of the building. Almost 150 years later that cornerstone was unearthed during demolition of the...
Ever wonder how to plant a rice field? Well, here is how it is done. The organizations that process and supply these conceivably hazardous forms of physician recommended pills are for the most part being representative...
Do you know what this part is? It is something used in truck or container transportation. Some essential things which must be taken care of are: Prevent product which includes gluten as well as chemicals in any...
There has been quite a bit of hype around electric trucks. Most non-industry folks tout them as the next best thing to sliced bread, while seasoned industry folks are more pragmatic about them. Erectile dysfunction go...
Just because this story is not at the top of the page does not mean we have quietly accepted the Before the introduction of viagra side online, people who suffered from erectile failure, had no other...
Would this truck qualify as drinking and driving?