COMMINGS & GOINGS AT THE PORT With great regret and well wishes, we bid John Driscoll a fond farewell. He will be leaving his post as Maritime Director at the Port of Oakland and will be joining the Alabama State...

COMMINGS & GOINGS AT THE PORT With great regret and well wishes, we bid John Driscoll a fond farewell. He will be leaving his post as Maritime Director at the Port of Oakland and will be joining the Alabama State...
AB5 TAKES ANOTHER BLOW As a reminder, AB5 is the California law that precludes the use of independent contractors in most industries, including trucking. In the eleventh hour on December 31, 2019 prior to the law's...
As the "Shelter in Place" orders really start to wear on all of us, we need even more humor. So, again, we are keeping this column for funny and feel-good stories and videos. Enjoy! Do-It-Yourself face masks. We know...
Motor carriers and cargo owners have long been highlighting the unfair practice of per diem and demurrage charges. There has been a full-sail assault to get this matter addressed. Finally, we have been heard. The...
Do you know what this part is? It is something used in truck or container transportation. Although, IEP's are written annually some require revision or writing...
BURNING MAN 2020 CANCELED A posting on the Burning Man Journal said, "After much listening, discussion, and careful consideration, we have made the difficult decision not to build Black Rock City in 2020. Given the...