With great regret and well wishes, we bid John Driscoll a fond farewell. He will be leaving his post as Maritime Director at the Port of Oakland and will be joining the Alabama State Port Authority as Executive Director on June 1st. John has been instrumental in many of the initiatives which have led to operational improvements at the port…night gates, appointments, cool port, seaport logistics complex, just to name a few. We personally thank him for his leadership and friendship. He will certainly be missed!
And, we also take this opportunity to welcome the new Manager of Business Development and International Marketing, Andrew (Andy) Hwang. Andy takes the helm of the maritime marketing (aka sales) unit of the port and will advance the port’s visibility with cargo owners and other stakeholders. We look forward to working with you Andy.
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Effective today May 5, 2020, SSA Oakland will mandate a Pre-Gate notification on all loaded containers in-gating at their facility. A Pre-Gate requires additional administration by the motor carrier to input into the terminal’s portal the container number, booking number, seal number, and arrival date of loaded export containers.
Effective July 6, 2020, SSA Oakland’s Extended Hour Gate Fee will increase from $30/container to $35/container. As a reminder, this fee is assessed on all loaded containers in-gated or out-gated regardless of the time of day of the transaction.