Fires, Hurricanes, ProtestorsIt is not like we don’t have enough issues with congestion, chassis shortages and labor negotiations, let’s throw in a fire, a hurricane and a protest to further slow down throughput at California’s ports.

Swells from a hurricane earlier in the month caused $20M in damage to the breakwater protecting the Port of Long Beach. A fire at a pre-World War II wharf at the Port of Los Angeles billowed toxic smoke into the air and shut down Southern California container terminal operations for two days. “Block the Boat” picketers set up shop in Oakland on Saturday. Are you cheap levitra facing any kind of problems like erectile dysfunction or impotency is the inability of a man to gain an ideal penile erection during the penetration. A combination of treatments works best in order to restore viagra india browse around here the natural hair pattern and to help the ED sufferers . Both these conditions follow the same age-related trajectory and low price cialis they become increasingly common after the age 40. So, using the Coupons is a significant viagra generika advantage of such pills. Longshoremen refused to cross the line for “safety” reason. SSA was shut down for the day, and the ZIM ship left without being worked.

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