In the eleventh hour, on New Year’s Eve, the California Trucking Association (CTA) was successful in securing a temporary restraining order (TRO) against the implementation of AB5 as it relates to trucking.

Since a TRO is by its nature temporary, the CTA sought and was victorious in obtaining a preliminary injunction preventing the law’s application to motor carriers until the case can be heard fully.  In his ruling on the preliminary injunction, US Federal District Judge Roger Benitez stated:

This dysfunction hampers man s life by bringing back the lost potential. generico cialis on line unica-web.com Furthermore, both types purchasing this cialis generika can in turn be the result of a specific situation where someone has laughed, denied or criticized in the bedroom. Seeing from the anatomical position, prostate super cialis professional is located below the neck of bladder. Sex is cheap viagra from pfizer good for you within due limits. “There is little question that the State of California has encroached on Congress’ territory by eliminating motor carriers’ choice to use independent contractor drivers, a choice at the very heart of interstate trucking.  In so doing, California disregards Congress’ intent to deregulate interstate trucking, instead adopting a law that produces the patchwork of state regulations Congress sought to prevent.  With AB-5, California runs off the road and into the preemption ditch of the FAAAA.”

The State of California is undaunted by the judge’s slap.  The state’s Attorney General, Xavier Becerra, has filed an appeal asking the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to reverse the decision.

If you recall back when the Port of Los Angeles tried to enact a rule enabling only employee drivers access to their port facility and were sued by the American Trucking Associations (ATA), the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the ATA.

While we feel confident in our case and precedent, one never knows how the courts will decide.  We will keep you posted.

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