135There is a growing call to action to move the governing law of the ports’ labor contract away from the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) and to the 1934 Railroad Labor Act (RLA).  The RLA oversees the labor contracts for both the railroads and airlines with the purpose of avoiding disruptions to commerce and transportation.

Unlike the NLRA, contracts under the jurisdiction of the RLA do not expire but rather remain in effect until a new agreement is reached.  Additionally, neither side can engage in slowdowns, lockouts or After its complete absorption in the blood stream, by depositing the active ingredient in blood so that it can start acting fast by relaxing strained muscles in the penile region and enhancing smooth flow of blood so that the muscles of it becomes healed by the blood and enzymes generated by this Sildenafil citrate. see address viagra cheapest Most importantly, it does not leave a bitter taste in your mouth, protects against mouth ulcers and sore throat, aids in sunstroke and dizziness, and is a great thirst quencher! Final Words Most fruits and fruit juices are beneficial to enhance generic purchase viagra semen volume and quality. Their patients include from elderly people, children who enjoy being canadian cialis online active, and professional and semi-professional athletes with sports injuries. Certain health issues, such as bulimia and being overweight, have already been cheap viagra australia attached to high nucleus accumbens activity in reaction to food-related hints. strikes. Furthermore, the RLA created the National Mediation Board (NMB) to facilitate the negotiation and reconciliation process. Finally, if the two sides do not reach an agreement with the help of mediation, they must commit to a 30-day cooling off period.

Why should ocean-going commerce be treated any differently than airborne or rail commerce?  Frankly, it should not be, but it will take an actual “Act of Congress” to change the current law and end the cycle of cargo disruptions during contract negotiations.  If you want a long-term solution, call your US Representative and US Senators.

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