The M580 “green” marine highway is dead, and it never stood a chance. It was neither operationally practical, environmentally beneficial nor economically sustainable. It was a shameful waste of taxpayer dollars that was forced upon the region by […]
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CALIFORNIA’S FUEL PRICES WILL INCREASE An effort in the California legislature to postpone the inclusion of vehicle fuels in the Cap-and-Trade program was killed by Senate President Pro Tem Darryl Steinberg (D). Therefore, the program will go forward […]
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With Tesla’s decision regarding the location of their battery factory still undecided, Northern Nevada is moving forward with their growth plans. Ashima Devices just announced they will be “moving their company headquarters [from With the medicine you can […]
Last month, we highlighted the construction on I-80 through Sacramento that will reduce traffic lanes for the next two years. This month, we will highlight the construction on this same roadway in the Bay Area. There will be […]
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The group “Block the Boat,” in an effort to show solidarity for Palestinians, was planning to picket SSA terminal in Oakland tomorrow, Saturday, August 2, 2014. The purpose of the picket was to block the Zim vessel (an […]
If your cargo is destined for Sacramento and points east like Reno, Sparks, McCarran or Roseville, Rocklin, Lincoln, McClellan, expect delays as drivers fight through traffic and take circuitous routes. CalTrans is undertaking a major repaving project on […]
There is not much to report on this subject. By all reports, negotiations are proceeding amicably and, despite working without a contract, there have been no related disruptions at West Coast marine terminals. Certainly a welcomed development! Over […]
HATS OFF TO OUR AWARD WINNING DRIVERS Devine’s drivers are the best of the best. As proof of such, five of our drivers have recently been awarded “Driver of the Month” honors by the California Trucking Association. A […]
Get your shocked face ready…. Outside of Hawaii and Alaska, with their transportation and distribution issues, California’s fuel prices rank as the 3rd highest in the nation. Our whopping $0.498/gallon in fuel taxes does not help, nor will […]
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Northern Nevada is adding to its e-commerce foothold by courting high tech companies. Not far from the casinos, Reno has a new Startup Row featuring high tech companies and the Some men may react to a lower measurement […]
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Daimler, the owner of Mercedes-Benz and Freightliner, recently showcased their driverless truck. The truck reached speeds of nearly 55 MPH on the Autobahn while the driver passively looked at his tablet and paperwork. Daimler said the autonomous truck […]