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The group “Block the Boat,” in an effort to show solidarity for Palestinians, was planning to picket SSA terminal in Oakland tomorrow, Saturday, August 2, 2014. The purpose of the picket was to block the Zim vessel (an […]
If your cargo is destined for Sacramento and points east like Reno, Sparks, McCarran or Roseville, Rocklin, Lincoln, McClellan, expect delays as drivers fight through traffic and take circuitous routes. CalTrans is undertaking a major repaving project on […]
There is not much to report on this subject. By all reports, negotiations are proceeding amicably and, despite working without a contract, there have been no related disruptions at West Coast marine terminals. Certainly a welcomed development! Over […]
HATS OFF TO OUR AWARD WINNING DRIVERS Devine’s drivers are the best of the best. As proof of such, five of our drivers have recently been awarded “Driver of the Month” honors by the California Trucking Association. A […]
Get your shocked face ready…. Outside of Hawaii and Alaska, with their transportation and distribution issues, California’s fuel prices rank as the 3rd highest in the nation. Our whopping $0.498/gallon in fuel taxes does not help, nor will […]
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Northern Nevada is adding to its e-commerce foothold by courting high tech companies. Not far from the casinos, Reno has a new Startup Row featuring high tech companies and the Some men may react to a lower measurement […]
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Daimler, the owner of Mercedes-Benz and Freightliner, recently showcased their driverless truck. The truck reached speeds of nearly 55 MPH on the Autobahn while the driver passively looked at his tablet and paperwork. Daimler said the autonomous truck […]
California’s Central Valley will bear the brunt of the $2.2B economic loss as a result of the drought. This year alone, 409,000 acres of farmland have gone fallow. If the drought continues, we can expect an additional 240,000 […]
Last month, the US Coast Guard rescued 25 kiteboarders This is the medicine where buy generic viagra you have to do is consult a doctor. Not all elderly people develop osteoarthritis but many do since prolonged wear and […]
When we talk about terminal productivity, we are talking about yard and gate operations, meaning how quickly we can get a driver in and out of the terminal. When terminal operators and ocean carriers talk about terminal productivity, […]
California’s Cap and Trade program, which is the buying of selling of pollution credits, will increase the price of gas and diesel in the state by $0.15/gallon starting next year. Those who created the plan see the increase […]
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Automobiles account for 81% of the accidents between a truck and a car. We want you to be safe out there, so as we head into the summer driving season, we thought it would be beneficial to review […]
IF YOU BOUGHT IT, A TRUCK BROUGHT IT Here are some interesting truck facts for you. If you connected all the loaded truck moves delivered last year, it would stretch to the moon and back more than 11 […]
The contract governing dockworkers on the US West Coast expired today without a new contract in place. It was widely predicted the contract between the International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) would […]
NEVADA VS TEXAS Tesla Motors is gearing up to build a multi-billion dollar battery plant. Four states, Nevada, Texas, Arizona and New Mexico, are in the running for the mega-plant…make that giga-plant…seems folks think mega is not big […]
If you have not heard of Uber, it can be best be described as a casual taxi service. Say you need a ride from your home to the airport, rather than call a cab and have no idea […]