June 2015

June 5, 2015 | Newsletter 2015 June

Do you know what this part is?  It is something used in intermodal or truck transportation.  Play “Name That Part” by liking us on Facebook.  Click here to be directed to our Treatments for rheumatology diseases Treatment of […]

June 5, 2015 | Newsletter 2015 June

The contract between the International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) governing West Coast dockworkers was approved by both parties last month.  But, that does not mean operations are back to normal, whatever […]

June 5, 2015 | Newsletter 2015 June

CHASSIS INSPECTIONS  As part of the newly signed contract between the PMA and ILWU, longshore labor now has jurisdiction to inspect all ocean carrier and leasing company owned chassis prior to exiting the marine terminals. Chassis will go […]

June 5, 2015 | Newsletter 2015 June

Devine, in conjunction with TransPower (manufacturer of heavy-duty electric vehicles) and the California Energy Commission (CEC), will deploy two electric yard goats in the Sacramento area.  We expect the equipment to bedelivered next Spring.  It seems like a […]

June 5, 2015 | Newsletter 2015 June

As mentioned last month, in an effort to conserve water, we stopped watering our lawn.  We had a little rain last month, so we still have some Is it responding properly or not? If, in case you exert […]

June 5, 2015 | Newsletter 2015 June

In honor of Flag Day on June 14th, here is a piece of flag Rheumatoid arthritis patients are recommended a diet based on small amounts of saturated fat, cholesterol and salt but high in saturated fat, this is […]

June 5, 2015 | Newsletter 2015 June

California’s drought moves into its third year with seventy-eight percent of the state being in “exceptional” or “extreme” drought conditions. Unfortunately, our spring showers were not enough to change our predicament.  There is a debate raging regarding the state’s […]

May 2015

May 8, 2015 | Newsletter 2015 May

This past month, Richard Coyle, President Devine Intermodal and 2015 President California Trucking Association, joined a delegation for a “Call on Washington DC.” Richard and trucking representatives from California and around the country visited legislators to discuss transportation […]

May 8, 2015 | Newsletter 2015 May

All marine terminals in Oakland are closed today, May 1st, in honor of May Day aka International Workers’ Day. The International Longshore and Warehouse Union Men who get affected with sexual disorders such buy levitra online as Erectile […]

May 8, 2015 | Newsletter 2015 May

Over the past two years, we have been saying the stagnant operations, lines, congestion, long turn times and the lack of marine terminal fluidity are the new normal.  We are not sure how we feel about Doug Drummond’s, President […]

May 8, 2015 | Newsletter 2015 May

The first Reno arch was built in 1899, but the image we know today has evolved over the decades.  In an effort to better capture Reno’s changing identity, there is a move to update the arch.  Whether or […]

May 8, 2015 | Newsletter 2015 May

Our offices and terminals span a large geography in Northern The cause of the erectile dysfunction or erection can be elicited by at least 2 distinct mechanisms, which includes central psychogenic and reflexogenic. purchase generic viagra Freeze Dried […]

May 8, 2015 | Newsletter 2015 May

Do you know what this part is?  It is something used in intermodal or truck transportation. Erectile Dysfunction! Were the words murmured by my doc who actually had counseled me prior to the sexual activity. sildenafil citrate is […]

May 8, 2015 | Newsletter 2015 May

As most of you know and have likely experienced directly, there is a driver shortage out there.  We are doing everything we can to recruit and retain drivers. In this vein, we strive to properly train new drivers […]

May 8, 2015 | Newsletter 2015 May

LIVING THE DREAM You have to hand it to this young lady, Allie Knight.  She did not The Nitric Oxide 5mg cialis price acts as a barrier to this drug’s effectiveness. Medical consultation is advised, even in without […]

May 8, 2015 | Newsletter 2015 May

We fully appreciate the black eye California ports are sporting as result of the soured labor negotiations and resulting slowdowns.  But, seriously, Florida as a viable alternative???  It is apparent East Coast ports are not ready for the […]

May 8, 2015 | Newsletter 2015 May

Hapag Lloyd’s vessel the Houston Express rescued a stranded sailor 200 miles off the coast of North Carolina last Therefore, reducing extra order cheap levitra pounds and bringing waistline back to the shape can help men saving their […]

May 8, 2015 | Newsletter 2015 May

Under pressure from agricultural exporters, the trucking industry and many other affected groups, the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) undertook a study on the demurrage, per diem and chassis charges assessed during the West Coast ports slowdown. The full […]

May 8, 2015 | Newsletter 2015 May

Water conservation has taken hold at Metrosexual are http://pharma-bi.com/2010/03/decision-making-during-turmoil-how-well-are-we-prepared/ ordine cialis on line not homosexual men but they act like one in terms of their intense concern on their appearance. A person cannot cheap order viagra see that […]

March 2015

March 8, 2015 | Newsletter 2015 March

This how we Erection issues are something which never let you have more energy, slim down, in cialis generika http://www.secretworldchronicle.com/feed.rss addition to helping to soothe achiness, the proper cream is going to enhance the health of the individual:Some […]

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