Is that not a romantic picture?  An evening baseball game.  A quiet, peaceful waterfront. Three thousand new homes surrounding the stadium providing an illuminated backdrop.  It is lovely, right?

But….where is the active, noisy, working waterfront? Where are the big ships? Where are the big-ship-ready cranes? (The one pictured is a non-working crane left behind to pay homage to the site’s past.)  Where are the trucks?  The trains?  The tugs?  The warehouses?  Yea, we do not see them either.

But, they were asked for ceasing this remedy and concentrate on their work or perform daily life activities. cheapest viagra 100mg That is, until you were 40, when commander cialis mid-life hit, taking the sexual wind out of your sails. Ajanta Pharmaceuticals developed the generic version of sildenafil generic pill viagra citrate and available at any authorized medical pharmacy. It has proven not to work, and hence, relapse and/or destructive behaviors continue. generic viagra sample The Port of Oakland’s Board of Port Commissioners voted unanimously to approve an exclusive negotiation term sheet with the A’s.

What does the term sheet mean?  It means the A’s have four years to complete an environmental impact report (EIR), negotiate lease terms with the port and secure additional regulatory approvals.

The A’s and the City of Oakland have demonstrated a lack of interest in addressing the concerns of the logistics industry. They are too caught up in the romance of it all.

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The above three minute video highlights the importance of trucking and truck drivers to the American economy and way of life. The trucking industry moves everything you eat, wear, and use on a daily basis. Please take a moment to watch these heroes in action.


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