2023 marked our 100th year…a milestone of which we remain quite proud. So, we are going to do one more salute to 1923.

Here is our first truck, which was used to haul lumber and agricultural products within Northern California. A shout out to the entrepreneurial spirit of Jim Devine, who started the company with one truck.

The Hollywood sign made its debut in 1923. It was intended to be a temporary billboard to advertise a real estate development but remained as Hollywood movies gained in popularity. In 1949, the “land” was removed, and in 1978, the wooden structure was replaced with a sturdier steel and concrete construction.

1923 also marks the first home game played in Yankee Stadium in the Bronx, New York. It remained the home of the Yankees until the 2009 season. During its 85 year history, it hosted a total of 6,581 home games.

Howard Carter opened the burial chamber of King Tutankhamun tomb in Egypt in 1923. Unlike many tombs, King Tut’s was relatively undisturbed giving us greater insight into ancient Egypt.

The first issue of TIME Magazine was published in March 1923. The co-founders chose retiring Speaker of the House, Joseph Cannon for the cover because they strongly believed “people don’t just make news, they make history.”

Clarence Birdseye invented frozen food in 1923, or better said, he invented the process for flash freezing so frozen foods could be preserved and transported.

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The above three minute video highlights the importance of trucking and truck drivers to the American economy and way of life. The trucking industry moves everything you eat, wear, and use on a daily basis. Please take a moment to watch these heroes in action.


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