There has been recent uptick in containers being lost overboard. Below is a list of incidents just within the past three months:


ONE Apus 1816

MSC Aries lost 41

Maersk Essen 750

Ever Liberal 36
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ER Tianping 76

Maersk Eindhoven 260


That is nearly 3,000 containers since the end of November 2020. This number is more than double what the World Shipping Council reported as the average for 2018 and 2019, 1,382 containers/year.

Why the increase in incidents and lost containers? According to naval architects and engineers, as ships become bigger and containers stacked higher, their stability is a growing concern.

When waves hit the bow at an angle, the ship is more prone to rolling from side to side. That motion results in containers being lost overboard.

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