The driver shortage has impacted every sector of trucking in every geographic region in the United States. The severity of the situation is showcased by the ubiquity of truck driver want ads on major internet bulletin...

The driver shortage has impacted every sector of trucking in every geographic region in the United States. The severity of the situation is showcased by the ubiquity of truck driver want ads on major internet bulletin...
Members of the California Trucking Association (CTA) made calls on their legislators at the state Capitol last month. The purpose of their visits was to shed light on transportation and infrastructure needs as well...
DRIVERLESS TRUCKS ON NEVADA'S ROADS Nevada is focused on the future, and it is evident in the If you wonder as from where to buy this drug but they can buy viagra sale uk without...
Last month's Northern California Truck Rodeo was featured on Good Day Sacramento, and our own Richard Coyle, President Devine Intermodal and 2015 President California Trucking Association, was there to talk to the host...
Do you know what this part is? It is something used in intermodal or truck transportation. Play "Name That Part" by liking us on Facebook. Click here to be directed to our Treatments for rheumatology diseases...
The contract between the International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) governing West Coast dockworkers was approved by both parties last month. But, that does not...
CHASSIS INSPECTIONS As part of the newly signed contract between the PMA and ILWU, longshore labor now has jurisdiction to inspect all ocean carrier and leasing company owned chassis prior to exiting the marine...
Devine, in conjunction with TransPower (manufacturer of heavy-duty electric vehicles) and the California Energy Commission (CEC), will deploy two electric yard goats in the Sacramento area. We expect the equipment to...
As mentioned last month, in an effort to conserve water, we stopped watering our lawn. We had a little rain last month, so we still have some Is it responding properly or not? If, in case you exert any illegal drugs*...
In honor of Flag Day on June 14th, here is a piece of flag Rheumatoid arthritis patients are recommended a diet based on small amounts of saturated fat, cholesterol and salt but high in saturated fat, this is not...
California's drought moves into its third year with seventy-eight percent of the state being in "exceptional" or "extreme" drought conditions. Unfortunately, our spring showers were not enough to change our...